Úvod » ANTI-AGING PRODUKTY » EGF – Repairlift™ Cream


EGF – Repairlift™ Cream


Číslo produktu: 0235
velikost: 50 ml
naše cena bez DPH : 1 914,88 Kč (75,79 EUR)
naše cena s DPH (21 %):
2 317,00 Kč (91,71 EUR)

do košíku:

Vyhlazující krém proti vráskám, obsahující syntetické peptidy, extraktu z myrty a ze zrnek rohovníku pro viditelné zjemnění vrásek. Stimuluje pokožku a viditelně ji chrání před vznikem známek stárnutí a před vytvořením vrásek. Den po dni je pleť vyhlazenější. Pleť nabývá mladistvého vzhledu.


KulSons [195.184.208.*]

12.08.2018 19:47

A bump under the arm - sometimes surgery necessary

Lump armpit brings discomfort, aches. To delay visit in the hospital is not appropriate. Formation under the muscle cavity may turn out to be cancer illness. However most often it is result frequent use antiperspirants with aluminum, violation rules personal hygiene, excessive sweating. Inflammation triggers a close clothing, contaminated razor, the infection. small lump under armpit Discomfort under the arm, redness, lump getting hot? This is the abscess that should should, after that take medications. First treat ointments, antibacterial drugs. When the process is started, shown surgery.

MirkaBype [195.184.208.*]

26.07.2018 21:07

How to return smooth skin facial: chemical peel

Peels help to escape from most old amendments of the skin cover. exfoliation effective at any time, shown for skin of any species. After superficial exfoliation disappear minor wrinkles, skin becomes young, smooth. Rehabilitation – 3 days. The middle peeling efficiently struggles wrinkles (expression, age, affects hardly noticeable pits, eliminates spots. Recovery – seven days. Profound peeling conducting in the beauty medical facilities. This is maximum effective procedure, although requires long period adaptation – up to four weeks. chemical peel before after

KIRATila [195.184.208.*]

18.07.2018 00:59

Signs and symptoms secret internal swelling during pregnancy

To determine internal swelling is difficult enough, therefore, consequently, they influence the body for a long time, which threatens the normal fetus. Fluids are dangerous because they break blood circulation. Similar situation leads to the strengthening of negative tendencies feeding and the breath baby, formed hypoxia. Fighting such a pathology should be done with the help of correction feeding and special procedures so that water does not stay tissues. If the woman is resting, then under the feet preferably put a cushion or pillow to improve the blood circulation of tired legs. Do not long time to sit or stand, as this leads to stagnation in the body. It is recommended that the knee-elbow position several times a day in order to increase blood flow. swollen feet and legs during pregnancy

Niopnofs [176.103.214.*]

16.12.2017 09:55

Fried tomato: cook any

Snack of fried tomato like all. Residents usually require guide are surprised mastery chef. Even children with pleasure eat fried tomato in biscuit. Tomatoes great combined are combined with many products. Garlic adds fineness. Cheese gives red crust. Italian spices turn roasted tomatoes into a dish from a restaurant. Omelette with tomatoes - easy and nutritious dish for breakfast. Prepare even sandwiches with fried tomatoes. Cooking tomatoes easily. For cooking use butter. In olive oil - fewer calories. It is also combined mixed with fried slices tomatoes. http://stewedtomatoes.top/how-to-cook-sweet-stewed-tomatoes-at-home